Likes Me? Just Friends?

Theirs this guy I know, we’ve been online friends for about 6 months? Maybe more. I know him through a mutual friend.
Anyways at first I only liked him as a friend but know the feelings are changing…I think I really like him as a potential boyfriend. Well once we were speaking and he said if he lived closer he’d watch movies with me and hangout all the time. So I said well maybe you should come up sometime in the summer.. And he agreed saying it was a great idea, so he is coming up but anyways this is part of a conversation we had:

Him: so what did you do all day? Me: nothing >.< nobody interesting was on, everyone was boring -.-‘ lol Him: awe! that sucks, well hopefully I’m one of the interesting people! :P Me:yes your definitley part of the interesting half haha :P Him: I’m glad! :) lol Me: hehe :Phow bout me, am I one of the interesting people you talk to?:P Him: oh yes of course you are one the interesting people! lol, you’re like atleast top ten:P

does that sound like he likes me at all, as more than a friend? =)

Answer #1

Yep, I think he likes you, but wants to know more about you during the summer. If you’ve only been online friends, then you need to learn more about him too. I suggest that when he comes up, have him meet your parents and his parents meet you too. Makes life eaiser.

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