which do you think looks better light hair with a tan or dark hair with a tan??

Answer #1

Dark hair..

Answer #2

dark hair, the lighter your hair is the more you look like you delibretly went out and got a tan, the tan will most likley be really noticable (aka people will know its fake) if you have very light hair

Answer #3

see my hair’s not like bleach blonde or anything,it’s light brown with blonde highlights but I’ve gotten tan because I’ve been outside so much and i was thinking about dying my hair like chocolate brown but can’t decide if it’ll look good or not

Answer #4

Hm.. but sometimes (on me, anyway) the tan will go away.. if your tan isn’t too extreme, I don’t think you will look bad with the hair you have. :)

Answer #5

Either, really. The only time light hair looks bad with a tan is if your tan is darker than your hair. Which I see a LOT where I live. Really tanned girls with bleach blond hair. Ugh. But your light brown hair should look fine with a tan. If you want to dye it darker, go ahead. That will look good too.

Answer #6

dark hair.

Answer #7

dark haaaaair. :)

Answer #8

dark hair

Answer #9

DARKK all the way

Answer #10

i LOVE the color of your hair! do you color it? if so could i ask what color??

Answer #11

It depends on your skin. If your tan/white it looks nice blond. If your tan/fair skin then stick with black hair. :)

Answer #12

dark looks way more natural :) x

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