Life is boring isn't it?

Life is boring isn’t it?

Answer #1

it can be but you can make if fun. call up some friends and hang out and do something fun. that’s what I do when I’m bored.

Answer #2

Only if you don’t do anything. One of the problems of modern life is too easy. Back when people had to worry about getting enough to eat and had to worry about their personal safety nobody worried about being entertained; they were too busy surviving. Only when life gets too easy can it seem pointless.

If you don’t want life to be boring you have to do something with it. I don’t know what interests you but how about reading a book you never got around to? skydiving? volunteering for something? If you are bored, do something about it.

Answer #3

In relation to what? You are young, and you may not know yet that everything is not exciting.

Life can be a lot of fun, but it’s not going to happen by being on the net all day. Usually people think “fun” is drinking, and sex.

Don’t wait for life to jump in your lap, make everything that you do fun! After all, no one else is going to make sure you have fun, especially when they are miserable.

Answer #4

so much!!!

Answer #5


Answer #6

yup sure is.

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