Answer #1

Because then it would be boring.

Answer #2

because God has an extremely bizzar since of humor

Answer #3

Because easy doesn’t = fun. And we all die anyway so might as well have some sh!t go down while we’re here. Just enjoy the ride, sistah.

Answer #4

Regardless of who or what or if anything created this universe, it’s eat or be eaten. So try not to be devoured because you will experience some cools things if you just keep you eyes and mind open. Then you die. You can’t change that so don’t fret about it, enjoy the moment. If the moment sucks, move on as fast as you can.

Answer #5

Because, then we’d all be weaksauce.

Answer #6

cause it just isn’t…we deal with everyday issues and problems..blah blah goes on…

Answer #7

Because its a fallen world. Things aren’t how they should be, and truly, its the fault of society as a whole. We are greedy, prideful, gluttonous, and selfish.

Answer #8

Becasue we were put here to learn, and going through hard times makes us stronger people. If your religious, we also go through hard times to see if we will still stick with god through thick or thin, or if times get rough we just give up, and don’t stand by him. We have to put our trust in god that no matter hoe hard the times are they could always be tougher without god on our side.

Answer #9

Much of life is a zero sum game. You can only have something because someone else doesn’t. There is a limited amount of food, water, energy, jobs and desirable mates so we all compete for them and we can only succeed in a zero sum game when someone else fails. There are things in life that are not zero sum games. Love, beauty, imagination, curiosity and truth are all things you can enjoy without depriving someone else. If you gauge your success in life on the competitive aspects of life you will often be disappointed but if you can appreciate the more sublime aspects that are not zero sum life is a lot more satisfying and enjoyable.

Answer #10

You want the RIGHT answer? Because in life you live for god and only god. Life is a test so bad things will be thrown at you to see how well you handle bad and good situations. There are going to be bad things in this world such as sex, alcohol, smokes etc… but god wants to see if you will do those things or follow the devil’s way and do bad stuff. That is why people pray, so you can remember your god and he will remember you and give you good things in life, but bad things will be thrown at you and the best thing to do is to ALWAYS look at the brighter side of every situation, cause it could have been worse. Hope this answers your question(:

Answer #11

I don’t live for God. That isn’t necessarily the right answer.

Answer #12

life is how you make it. it has its ups and down its a journey we all travel for a reason and a purpose and sometimes its not that life is hard but to be a real winner in life challenges are sent at you and you need to win them sometimes you to need to creat your life to what you want it to be. life is easy when everything goes our way but not everything is in our favour but we always learn from the hard times and this allows evryday to become easier

Answer #13

Actually it is. Don’t know what fantasy your living in.

Answer #14

oh trust me this is by far the right answer!!

Answer #15

Because then Funadvice wont exist,and we all dont want that,now do we? :*)

Answer #16

Good, i hope it helped!

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