How do you get someone to leave you alone without being rude?

Answer #1

Say “Leave me the fck alone.” lol Nahh, just ignore them. Or, don’t talk to them a lot when they talk to you. They will finally get annoyed and leave you alone(: It works lol.

Answer #2

There really isn’t any way that isn’t considered rude. I usually just avoided the person that was bothering me, but If I found myself near that person I gave them the Stay Away tone. If that didn’t help, I’d get a friend to help steer them off. You can try that, but I suppose the best way is to just say I’d like to be alone.

Answer #3

There is no real way to get someone to leave you alone without being rude or slightly rude at the very least. Ignoring them is rude, telling them off is rude. Honesty, however, is often the best policy. If you don’t want someone around you, pretending that you do just to spare their feelings isn’t too fair for anyone.

I’d just say something like “I’m sorry, but I’d really prefer it if we didn’t hang out or talk. I’m not really interested in having a friendship with you.”

They may not like it, but it isn’t your job to please them. You have to do what makes you happy. If you want to be left alone, you need to speak up.

Answer #4

Just give them 1 word responses, when there talkin to yu, work’s everytime!

Answer #5

Great answer!

Answer #6

Leave me alone that’s all or just be like I think it’s best if we don’t talk then after that don’t reply to em

Answer #7

lol ok thanks :)

Answer #8

ok thanks

Answer #9

hahahahaha ok :)

Answer #10

thanks ;)

Answer #11

just gradually slack off taking the persons calls.they’ll get the message

Answer #12

LoL ok thanks :)

Answer #13

cold shoulder them or avoid them. Make them feel as uncomfortable as possible if you have to be around them. I mean i know i would want to go up and talk to someone who is blaitingly ignoring my existence haha

Answer #14

lml thanks

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