Why is the layout so bad now?

Answer #1

Since you didnt elaborate on what makes it bad its hard to say.

Answer #2

You need to explain a little bit more about what you consider bad. It is definitely something to get used to, especially if you have been a regular user before.

I however find it better in some aspects, at least now you get notified when somebody has answered your question or left a comment and it is easier to comment directly on an answer, no more annoying quotes

Answer #3

A better question may be why people complain about things without actually explaining themselves. What don’t you like? It’s hard to sympathize with you when all you say is that something is bad. The government is bad. Ok, what does that mean? The school systems are bad. And? The media is bad. So? The economy is bad. Your point is?

You see, with nothing more than “bad” to go on, no improvements can be made. Perhaps next time you feel like issuing your opinions, you should at least take the time to elaborate so people can make your experience better. Right now, you’ve basically put another pointless whine on the site that I’m a wee bit tired of seeing. That’s it and nothing more.

So, I’ll now ask you, what can FunAdvice do to make your life a little better?

Answer #4

It is my personal view that the Government is bad. The school systems are bad. The media is bad. The economy is bad. The new funadvice layout is… BAD. Freedom of speech.

The reason I didn’t add any extra info is because I don’t know how to… because i am used to the old, BETTER layout. I am sorry that you were so offended by my pixels. Funadvice can’t do anything to make my life any better. It is a w-e-b-s-i-t-e. You would do good to remember that and not get so worked up.

Answer #5

PS. This was in reply to Heaven Stubblefield

Answer #6

It is my personal view that the Government is bad. The school systems are bad. The media is bad. The economy is bad. The new funadvice layout is… BAD. Freedom of speech.

The reason I didn’t add any extra info is because I don’t know how to… because i am used to the old, BETTER layout. I am sorry that you were so offended by my pixels. Funadvice can’t do anything to make my life any better. It is a w-e-b-s-i-t-e. You would do good to remember that and not get so worked up.

Answer #7

I understand freedom of speech dear. What I don’t understand is posting a question and then not providing any information so that we can help you. You spent that entire minute of your life posting this reply, and yet you STILL didn’t provide any information about what you liked about the old versus the new.

You couldn’t post additional information you say? Easy fix. With this system, as long as you start with a question, you can continue to elaborate in the box and whatever comes after the question mark will show up as content. See, I can help you when you provide direction. Otherwise, this is really nothing more than a status update, which I am tempted to move it to.

Answer #8

Touchy… I was not familiar with the fact that you carry on typing to add additional information so I apologise for all of the trauma I have put you throught in the last entire minute of my life. I only hope that you will not suffer from post traumatic stress disorder for the terrible ordeal I have inflicted upon you. There is no rule that I HAVE to elaborate, it is my personal decision. I think you should just take a chill pill. Seasons greetings.

Answer #9

Dude, I’m not stressed in the slightest. Read the above over and over. I want to HELP you like the site. You’re not allowing me to do that. If you want to complain, please have the decency to explain what you’re complaining about so people can fix it. I’m not going through trauma, and I never indicated that. I’m reaching out a hand. If you don’t want ti, fine, but perhaps it is you that needs the chill pill.

Answer #10

First of all I am a girl… not a “dude”. I don’t have the time to read your posts “over and over”. Thank you for your pure eagerness to help me, but I would have appreciated it more if you had done it in a more patient, friendly manner. Like I have treated you. I think that you are in denial… perhaps a visit to the doctors is needed? Nahhh. I took a chill pill this morning. Perhaps you just need to lie down… far too stressed. So, why is the layout so bad now?

Answer #11

Dude is a universal term around these parts, for one, and by the temper tanturm you’ve thrown around here, I may have equated you to a 13 yr old boy rather than a 17 year old girl anyways. I’m sorry if I somehow offended YOU with what I said, but it is rather unnerving to see someone post a public complaint about a 6+ month process of improvement and then not even have the balls to explain what the issues are. “Balls” are also universal in this sense, in case that was going to be part of your next retort. If you want your voice to be heard around here, you have to speak out. “This is bad” solves nothing, means nothing, and does nothing more than give you five minutes of fame hoping that the troops will come rally in your complaining support. As you can see, that didn’t happen. Instead you have now pointed out your stubbornness to FA with your feeble attempts at kind remarks and your continued lack of elaboration. The sarcasm is palpable young one, and if anything, your comments have been ruder than mine. Implied aggression and smarta$s comebacks are far more annoying and provoking than anything I’ve had to say. I’m friendly and patient with those that deserve it. B*tching without explanation holds no merit in my books.

Answer #12

That wraps this up then, fights over guys! Go home :)

Answer #13

That was a rather long reply. I would not call it a temper tantrum… I am calm and find your reactions rather amusing. I think that if you take a look at yourself you will realise that you are the one throwing a strop. Just remember small brains and big mouths don’t mix. I am not offended by what you are saying, I am just glad that you are stringing words into sentences now. I mean… if ignorance is bliss then you must be the happiest person alive. You see, anger is a common sign of denial, and general unrest… so I really suggest that you consult a doctor - it is in your best interests. I find your attempts and kind remarks rather feeble as well, and I do not really like your tone. I love sarcasm… don’t you? I am very glad that you are friendly and patient with those that deserve it, but I do understand that sometimes you still find it hard, especially with caring, thoughtful people like myself. And don’t worry, I am not looking for a merit in your books. I have my own thanks.

Answer #14

There… finished ;)

Answer #15

I must say, this didn’t solve anything and it was rather pointless by your part. I wish you would of just let go of your pride and simply have answered the question? The only thing that Heaven wanted to do as was help you find this site more suited towards your interests but, seeing how you replied to her help, it seems that you where in some way offended. Back to the question, unless of course, you would just find it better to complain about something, it’s cool! We all need to vent a little sometimes but solutions help us cool down a lot quicker, wouldn’t you agree?

Answer #16


Answer #17

Again, Pwned

Answer #18

Yes I would agree Miguel…. thanks for your KIND and POLITE way of putting things. Just a bit of fun anyways… ;) wouldn’t you agree Heaven? You are my bestest friend in the whole wide world. Oh, and don’t forget to milk the cow, will you? :P

Answer #19

Which question were you referring to again, Miguel?

Answer #20

Oh just the question to specify what it is you don’t like about FA so we can try to tweak it a bit! Once you’re done gathering up what you don’t like, you can message Ericson, the FA coding dude and he’ll take it into consideration! :) Easy as cake huh? (can’t say P1e cuz the word sensor is all messed up) :S

Answer #21

Sure sure :)

Answer #22

Boom, done, see? Easy and we didn’t even fling one mean word at each other!

Answer #23

Milk the cow? Is that a poke at me being a southerner? I kind of hate that I was painted as the b1tch here when I’m seriously one of the nicest people on the site. Form your opinions as you want, but seriously, I’m not a bad person. This just sucks all around. I tried to make a point to help and things got blow into how I’m the bad guy. I’m sorry if my phrasing wasn’t the way you liked or whatever the case may be, but it doesn’t make me some angry nutcase. Sigh, it just sucks. Really it does.

Answer #24

That was amazingly epic to read :3 awesome. And I don’t see what’s wrong with the layout… O.o ohz wellz.

Answer #25

Wait, Heaven..you milk cows? I don’t get it :(. My uncle gets cows pregnant :D but he doesn’t milk them. How do you milk a cow?

Answer #26

Wait, Heaven..you milk cows? I don’t get it :(. My uncle gets cows pregnant :D but he doesn’t milk them. How do you milk a cow?

Answer #27

Whoa, double post..oppsie daisy! My bad ^_^

Answer #28

No, I’m just from Oklahoma…I can’t tell if she was being funny or trying to poke fun at me. I don’t really care about that part. I just don’t like that Miguel came in as this night in shining armor and I turned into the rude b1tch. I dunno. I guess I don’t need to defend myself, but it gets to me when people make me out to be a bad guy and I’m the farthest from it.

Answer #29

I’m not saying Miguel made me the bad guy either. That happened from the whole situation. I’m just the b1tch overall in here now, which THOROUGHLY sucks

Answer #30

Just to clear this up… I wasn’t trying to poke fun at you. I was just being really random. So no offense intended in that.

Answer #31

It’s alright. I just don’t like it when I’m painted in a bad light. If you see me all over the site, I’m like the kindest person. Then I come into a debate and I’m the one that looks bad. It’s not the way things are supposed to go, but it’s whatever.

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