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What do you think about the new law to limit commercial volume during television broadcasts?
Personally I think it’s awesome…I always hated how the show would be set to one volume on the TV and then the commercial would start and it would be much louder.
I agree with u…they should do that all over the world make it a world wide law in all countries! :)
It’s like watching a show or movie then bam loud commercial so u hv to run back from the kitchen lower the tv then run back to what you were gnna do only when the show or movie is back make it louder again 5 mins later another 10 min commercial…Ya just cant enjoy watching tv anymore! If is not on a dvd or something, its just not even worth watching. So, yeah I am def all for that!:P
I wish they could do that here
I agree with you. I would be watching tv then a commercial comes on and they’re practically yelling at me.
I’ve never noticed commercials were louder. With DVR I dont think I’ve heard a commercial in years.
i soo agree with it, i get so annoyed when the adds are louder then the tv and it finishes and then literally BAM AND THE DIRT IS __ or something loud like that and ur like WHOA
I think its a great idea. I get so annoyed at loud commercials. 1/2 I swear are at least 30-40% louder than the TV show I’m watching.
I think it’s great. I just wonder how they will enforce it. It seems like it would be like trying to enforce a law of no cellphone use while driving.
it would only be okay if it was billy mays anyone else just doesn’t seem right
You know the FCC regulates all sorts of things right?
Child’s play to regulate, enforce and fine the companies that break the new laws.
i love it… i really hate when your listening to a quite or normal sounding commerical, then something like a poilitical commercial comes on and they HAVE TO SHOUT LIKE THIS WITH COWBOY HATS ON!! so yeah…freedom
i miss that guy :( for some reason, his minuite long commericals always inspired me ..< could of been sub-liminal messaging though lol
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why commercial on tv increase automatically the volume?
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What deodorant has the commercial where sweat is pourind out of his armpit?
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