if you were to die tomorrow, what would you do?

if you were to die tomorrow, what would you do?

Answer #1

I will be easy becoz iam a silly man iam easy be cool…

Answer #2

wiat ‘’unusualbeing1’’ you want to die I DON’T I would go to new york like I have always wanted to xXXx

Answer #3

1st I wud have sex with my boyfriend then id spend the last hours with frends and family.

Answer #4

I would spend it with my family

Answer #5

I would do everything I didnt get to do.. I would try new things and then die.. :[ hehehehe

Answer #6

I’d fly to rome or italy or greece and stay up all night watching the sunset and rise again.

Answer #7

I’d go sit in a dark corner all alone because I wouldn’t want to see my friends and family upset over me.

Answer #8

Well I’d die..lol But if you mean what would I do before hand? Too many things to type.

Answer #9

I’d Be Crying In Joy…The Long Awaited Day Has Finally Arrived…

Answer #10

According to the Bible, for a Christian, ‘to be absent from the body is to present with the Lord’, so as the song says…’I can only Imagine’ what a Glorious time that will be !!

Answer #11

Considering you never said anything about us being aware that we were going to die tomorrow, I wouldn’t do anything differently, and I would just die.

Answer #12

I would go and tell my boyfriend’s parents they are controlling and that I love him and then whisk him for the next twenty four hours haha and we would hang out with my family for a bit and id tell people things I was always to afraid to say..like how much they mean to me. haha

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