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i would use a clay substance you can make the ground out of clay and the cactuss out of clay and like at micheals they sell landform project kits you can use clay for the animals and use the project kit : ) hope this was helpful
What would be a great fundraiser? And projects? - 1 Answers
What would be a great fund raiser for the student government? Also what are great projects that can be done? Pls help :)
What are good science fair project ideas? - 1 Answers
What are some good science fair project ideas?
what would be the geometry used in a string art project? - 1 Answers
what would be the geometry used in a string art project?? we had to do a project and I made a circle out of straight lines. w...
Who knows a project idea for photography class - 1 Answers
So heres the thing I have to do a project with just pics for my photography class, and with this theme What family means to m...
research project - 1 Answers
for school I need to do an independent research project. we have to be working on it through out the year. I need some idea...
Science Project - 1 Answers
I have to do a science project for school and need an example of all three laws of motion. For Newton's First Law of Motion, ...
What if I did all the work on a school project? - 4 Answers
I'm doing a project at school and I did all of the work. One of my friends asked if she could put her name on it and say we d...
School Art Project - 2 Answers
I Have To Make Something For My Art Project But,I Don't Know What To Make,I'm Not Alowwed To Do A Rocket,A Sheep And A Snowma...
Outreach project - 1 Answers
Our church is doing an outreach to give away school supplies to area students. we want it to have a catchy name but are at a...
Sci projects? - 2 Answers
what are some good Earth sci projects?
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