Why is the kool aid im trying to dye my hair with sooo ichy?

Answer #1

wait dying your hair with coolaid?

Answer #2

O_O I highly doubt that’s going to work. And now you’ll smell like artificially flavored crap.

Answer #3

haha yea ppl do tht so i looked up online how to do it but my head is so ichy right now lol..i havent washed it out though yet so maybe thts why idk

Answer #4

It works. My cousin did it. I’ve always preferred actual hair dye.

Answer #5

maybe your having a bad reaction to the kool aid

Answer #6

in fourth grade, a few of my friends did that lol. the kool aid stained one of my friend’s hair… like the part of her hair that she dyed was orange for, like, months. your head might just be itchy from reacting to the kool aid. i wouldn’t worry about it too much, unless it is still itchy for a few days ! try taking a nice, long shower

Answer #7

haha wow guys so i left it in for an hour and a half and then rinsed it out and nothing happened Biggest fail ever…my hair is super soft now though and smells like pink lemonade so i guess thats a plus!! hahaha

Answer #8

yay for pink lemonade

Answer #9

haha i know right (:

Answer #10

I heard that if you use koolaid with sugar in it that’s what will happen. I think that’s probably it.

Answer #11

most people get better results when they plastic wrap their hair and sleep with it in

Answer #12

do not put kool aid on your hair!! not good! save your $$ and go to a stylist to get professional color put on it. the dyes in the kool aid are not intended for hair.

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