What kind of food is usually served at a wedding?

Answer #1

Usually the guests get a choice out of 3 plates, 2 meat and 1 vegetarian. The choices are usually duck, beef, or rabbit, or chicken and vegetarian.

Sometimes there is dessert but usually the wedding cake is considered the dessert.

The wine is usually supplied by either the venue or the catering company, but there is now an option to bring your own wine (as in the wedding couple source the wine, not everyone individually) and you pay a corkers fee which is a fee to use your own wine.

There are sometimes children’s food too.

Answer #2

It depends on your budget. You can a buffet style dinner. a chicken entree and a beef entree), a pasta entree, two vegetable choices and a salad. Finger foods are always suggested. I’ve noticed punch is usually served at weddings, sometimes tea. Just having fruits/veggies and some croissant sandwiches can be enough.

Answer #3

baked chicken,beef,fish,steaks as main food to serve. finger foods as well.

Answer #4

cake :)

Answer #5

True, it really depends on the budget…some go gourmet some have a more traditional menu..There is always something with chicken, beef & fish…side orders…fried finger foods…a few choices for traditional salads…and a choice of deserts plus the wedding cake.

Again, it really depends on the couple’s family as well as to what type of flavoring. Some go for more mid eastern flavors, some go traditional American flavored, some like the European flavors or today a lot of the vegetarian/Asian flavors.(like sushi & stuff)

Also depends on the hall…catering company they work with which is why they usually get to taste everything before choosing what they like before the wedding and according to that is what they will be serving for dinner.

Answer #6

If I believed in marriage, I’d want carribbean food- jerk chicken, plantain, etc.

Answer #7

I think it all depends on the couple getting married. They meet with the catering service or the ppl who are going to be making the food. My sister and her soon to be husband just met with the person who is going to be catering the food. So, it’s all up to the bride and groom.

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