What kind of Xmas tree do you prefer?

Answer #1

I prefer real ones. They’re a little messy, but I love the genuine pine scent and green. There’s nothing like it.

Answer #2

thee reaal ones.hahaa.they seem so much christmasy(:

Answer #3

Fake. :)

Answer #4

I used to love real trees. However with a two year old who likes to help decorate and has a tendancy to put everything he sees in his mouth - were getting a fake tree this year. The pine needles are too sharp and they fall all over the floor…i dont need my son playing with them. Ill miss the real christmas tree smell though.

Answer #5

Just use pine scented car fresheners as ornaments. Haha! :P

Answer #6

My mother always gets a real one and if I were to have one I’d a get areal one also. They smell so amazing. I think if I ever end up having children i’d want to go as a family and cut one down one ourselves. ;)

Answer #7

A fake one with the lights already on it. It’s easier and not messy. All you have to do is get the thing out of the box, put it up, then put presents under it. After Christmas is over, you just take it down, shove it back into the box until the next year. :p

Answer #8

REAl all tha way !

Answer #9

I want one of those giant fake ones from Garden Ridge or Target or whatever that’s 20 feet tall :D

Answer #10

Fake. It seems like such a waste of a real tree to me! I have a beautiful fake tree which looks pretty much like a real one and I scent it with pine essential oils. It smells amazing!

Answer #11

fake. so you dont have to keep buying real christmas trees over and over and over again.

Answer #12

agreed 100% we usually get just a little 1 footer cuz we live in an apartment

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