How good are you at keeping a secret?

Answer #1

Real good at keeping a secret.

I will never tell no matter what, even If they torchered me I still wouldn’t tell.

Answer #2

Depends on the secret. If a friend told me that they frauded another friend, I’d be in a real bad conflict.

Answer #3


Answer #4

I’m pretty good, I don’t blab. It’s one of the few qualities I like about myself.

Answer #5

I’ve never revealed a secret. Ever. Like this one time.. my friend told me this thing. and.. Just kidding :P I seriously havenever revealed a secret told to me. All my friends that really know me, know this about me and trust me with their deepest secrets. They trust me. and I like knowing they trust me :D

Answer #6

I’m great at keeping secrets. I know tons about alot of people, People I don’t like. I’ve been really close with a few people i can’t stand to be around now, But i’ve still never told one thing they told me. I look at this way when it comes to something like that, They trusted you at one point enough to tell you those things.. So it isn’t mature to run around telling everyone.

Answer #7

id say 8/10

Answer #8

It really depends on the secret. Most of the time I will keep it to myself but if it’s something serious or ridiculous I won’t keep it. If someone tells me their thinking of hurting themselves or something like that I’ll try to reach out to someone. If it’s something like she likes him then I’ll keep it to myself.

Answer #9

I’ll admit it I’m awful at keeping secretes

Answer #10

I would rather shoot myself then give it away

Answer #11

I suck.

Answer #12

I don’t talk wen it comes 2 secrets

Answer #13

Not so good. haha

Answer #14

I NEVER tell anyone’s secrets, and i don’t trust very many people with my own. Unless it’s something that can cause danger to themselves or someone else & i can’t fix it, i will find the right person to approach about the issue.

Answer #15

Depending on how serious something is. But if it’s just the average gossip I tell my best friends. Which is only two people.. If the secret is really serious I don’t tell ANYONE.

Answer #16

If someone tells me a secret, i forget about it like the next hour.

Answer #17

I can keep any secret about anything. I don’t break promises about secrets either.

Answer #18

Depends on the secret… If other people have a right to know about it, or it involves hurting someone else then I will tell others. If it is inconsequential or simply personal for the other person, then I never have any trouble keeping things to myself.

Answer #19

I have a secret I have kept since 1968, I will take it to the grave.

Answer #20


Answer #21

I am the best at keeping a secret

Answer #22

As long as the secret does not involve a potentially dangerous situation then I will keep the secret forever or as long as the person or situation requires me too.

Answer #23


Answer #24

I’m pretty good if they tell me they don’t want me to tell anyone. But I use to tell my bestfriend like everything… She never knew the people.

Answer #25

I like to think im good at keeping secrets and people do open up to me so that must mean they trust me :)

Answer #26

I would tell you but I can’t, it’s a secret….

Answer #27


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