Do you like to see Justin Bieber with Selena Gomez?

Answer #1

Sorry, but I don’t know who that is? Am I supposed to know who you’re talking about? confused

Answer #2

I find it hilarious that his fans think they’re supposed to be with him instead of Selena. They’re two teens in love and you should be happy for them, not deciding who you think they should be going out with.

Answer #3

Who cares! people are living in a false world if they think they should be with Justin Bieber or Robert Pattinson, just wake up, get real, leave them alone, they’re people just like everybody else

Answer #4

I do :)

Answer #5

no. he could do better.

Answer #6

This is my most favourite answer ever, you have actually made my day this is brilliant!

Answer #7

OKay, I was confused, before the question was edited and the last names were added…. I thought they might be ppl on FA. Dunno. Was confused…. I’ve never heard about Selena Gomez. But I know who Justin Bieber is. So it seems these two are a couple now? I think he’s in the right age to find a girlfriend, even if it breaks a million teenagers hearts.

Answer #8

why not?

Answer #9

Why not?

Answer #10

Ya I agree with your views.

Answer #11

i dont actually care but it is funny because hes so short compared to her and i picture her with some tall and a little older but thats just me

Answer #12

hell no!! lol :D

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