Are the Jonas Brothers really brothers?

are the joans brothers really brothers

Answer #1


Answer #2

yes darling, they are. there are four of them also. kevin joe nick frankie

Answer #3

yes they are all brothers! if you look at some youtube videos, they have home videos, and they are all living in teh same house and everything. also in BOP, or M, there was a article on a whole view of the jonas brother’s house. and each other their rooms

Answer #4

I’ve always wondered why kevin and joe look alike, but nick doesn’t look like them, and he’s he most popular one.joke. I know that they are really brothers, they dont have 2 look exactly alike,

*but if someone finds out that they are not, you heard it hear, quote me

“Nick would have to be the one that isn’t one of the’r biological brothers. Kevin and Joe look alike, but Nick doesn’t look like them. He was probably added because of his talent and how cute and popular he is.”


Answer #5

The Jonas brothers are frankly NOT brothers. They were all born in different states, and come from different parents. It was caught on camera at the Much Music Awards.

Answer #6

The Jonas brothers are frankly NOT brothers. They were all born in different states, and come from different parents. It was caught on camera at the Much Music Awards.

Answer #7

I think the jonas brothers are not really rather but I might be wrong

Answer #8

Uh yeah! For someone with the user name “nick_jonas_wife_soon” you don’t know very much about them…

Answer #9

YES there FINE but mainly JOE JONAS!!!

Answer #10

Probably not LOL! I think they’re life partners wink wink

Answer #11

umm no just because they live in the same house dosennt mean their brothers and further more they lip sync all of their songs and are homosexuals

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