is weed additive?

answer please xD

Answer #1

Weed can be both emotionally and mentally addictive. Once an individual becomes addicted to marijuana it develops into part of who they believe themselves to be. Avoiding their friends who do not use, the addict will gravitate to others that do. Marijuana is a topic that is always on their mind, whether it be thinking about the next time they will be able to get high or where their going to get their next sack. When someone is addicted to marijuana eventually their friends and the people close to them only know how they act when their stoned because they no longer do anything without first smoking. Their constant abuse is due to the misconception that marijuana is what they need to solve their problems. Sometimes addicts will take their stash with them wherever they go, just in case an opportunity arises and they are able to take a couple hits. They may even go through several dealers in order to make sure they always have a constant supply of marijuana - For assistance Call 1-800-405-8409:

Answer #2

wow these people are so ignorant NO its not addictive altho it can become an emotional attachment weed is patented as an antioxidant its good for the health, it regulates everything in the human body weed, my anti drug

Answer #3

yea it is… weed, along with most all other drugs and such can be very addicting AND are illegal.

Answer #4

It depends on what age you start smoking it and how much will power you have. If you start at like the age 12 you might get addicited to it.

Answer #5

umm no its not… I started when I was 12 and im almost 15 and im not addicted… I can say no if I want too… even if I dont want to and I know I have something I have to do I can say no…

Answer #6

Not really… in the end, the only things that are addictive… are personalities…

Answer #7

You must be bored. Because you already know weed is addictive, right??

Answer #8

Marijuana is not an addictive substance. However, the “high” experienced can be addictive.

Answer #9

It can be

Answer #10

Wow… you make is sound JUST like religion…

Answer #11

Can be, yes.

Answer #12

yes it is.

Answer #13


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