Is Twilight a gay book?

Okay so I’m reading Twilight now for the first time…and I think it’s the BEST book I’ve ever read. It’s amazing. Well…let’s get something straight. I’m straight and I always will be. And I love the book. But…most guys I talk to…they say either the book is gay or I’m gay for reading it. And it makes me real mad. Cause I like the book and I’m 100% straight. Any comments? What do you think about that?

Answer #1

Psy doesn’t like it when people call something “gay”, when referring to anything in general.

But still, Psy thinks that the book is a pathetic excuse for literature.


Answer #2

You should read whatever you like. Don’t let ignorant people who have probably never even read the book influence your actions.

Answer #3

How in any way can a book be “gay?” I can see where they’re coming from but I wouldn’t listen to them. Yeah it seems a little more girly but that doesn’t mean the story is. I would ignore them.

Answer #4

Read it myself, and loved it. In fact, I’ve used Stephanie Meyer’s writing style to improve my own. She is quite unique, to say the least, and excellent at portraying an idea.

Another good book is “The Host”, for you sci-fi fans out there.

Answer #5

They are fcking weird. I love twilight and people say its gay, but when they take my word for it and when they read it and realize what a dumbass they are, its fcking hilarious. You are not gay. They are ,keep reading aND tell them to kiss your a** or somthing. Trust me dont stop, I have read the books so many times its not human. Sooo keep on reading, its not a chick flick, guys can actually relate to the characters, really Jacob and Edward. if they tried. So ignore them.

       And a peice of advice. DO NOT SEE NEW MOON UNTIL YOU HAVE READ THE BOOK! Trust me it WILL ruin everything. And dont let anyone tell you what happens in Breaking Dawn. 
        Good luck! XD.
Answer #6

yea its pretty GAY

Answer #7

I would have to aree with here2 help :) they are just being mean..

Answer #8

its not “gay” but I dont like it.

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