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Is relaxing your hair good?
My hair is super curly because im mixed I was wondering would relaxing it be a good idea or should I just let someone str8n it.? Their telling me even if I got a relaxer I would have to get I str8n anyway.
I won’t say its good for your hair but if you take good care of it and use the necessary treatments, keep your hair moisturized and so forth then your hair will be ok.. If you let someone straighten it (since straightening it will a flat iron will not have a permanent effect) you’ll have the option to wear your hair straight sometimes or curly other times..relaxing on the other hand has a permanent effect and as soon as your new growth start coming you’ll have to continue relaxing your hair over and over or else your roots will be curly and the rest of your hair will be straight and that’s not a pretty look.
So its really up to you…my hair is relaxed (with red streaks) so whenever I get new growth I just relax the new growth (that is like every 6-8 weeks)
no actually im pr and black and i got my hair permed with the just for me stuff bout three years ago and i dont have to get it permed for a while so go ahead if ur hair is thin use half if ur hair is thick use all of it and then some and after u wash all da stuff out then u can str8n it if u want kay??? welcome :)
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