Is real estate the career path for me?

Hello I’m 18 and I’m just really concerned over what is to become of me. Not to mention confused! I have people asking me what exactly I wanted to do after high school and I always reply with a “I’m not sure” or “I don’t know.” I know that I am not the only one who is my age and stressing out over the same thing. The only thing that keeps running around in my head is the fact that I become bored easily. I have to be kept on my toes to keep myself interested. I have excellent communication skills and I love being around people. Is there anybody who has gone through the same emotions and found themselves in real estate?

Answer #1

I am a new loan consultant and I can assure you, real estate is not something to be taken lightnly. If you are serious about a move to this career, you need to do lots of research. There are so many niches and you can’t do everything so you should look for what interest you and job shadow someone you respect that already is successful. I have a mentor and only reciently did I realize he is not a good role model in that he is successful, but wants to do something else now. You want someone who is still fired up and has the jucies flowing. ALSO please note there is NO PAYCHECK in the biz. That is, unless you work for someone and that means a JOB you will not make money until/if you secure paying clients and that is a process that takes time. So with that said make sure you have lots of friends and family that you can talk to if you enter the business and do some homework. It is not an easy profession but it can be, and very profitable if you are good at marketing yourself and building relationships based on trust and value. Best of Wishes Jason

Answer #2

My mom runs a real estate business all by herself. It keeps her very busy and she LOVES to talk to people so yea. Try it and if you don’t like it do something else.

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