Is my shyness normal?

I have a problem. I have always been quite shy, but now it I think it’s got worse. I am 16 and when asked in school I can’t even answer a simple question (my mind goes totally blank and even though I know the answer I just can’t remember it), putting my hand up to ask for help or to answer a question seems impossible for me and when we are told that we have to do a presentation or class discussion, I get stressed weeks before, I can’t sleep, I am depressed and it usually ends up with me actually refusing to do it. Lately, I even get stressed when the teacher calls out the morning register and even though all I have to say is ‘Here’ I feel extremely sick and stressed. I am not shy around my close friends, however I don’t even find it difficult to meet new people, except I find it hard to get close to them. Because of my extreme shyness I developed Bulimia when I was 14 and although I am getting treatment for it now I still think that my shyness was the main trigger of it and that it is a bigger problem then my actual eating disorder. I also started smoking because of it, and also cut myself once or twice. I just don’t know how to cope with this, I hate myself for making such a big deal about something so simple. What’s wrong with me?? What could I have ?? Or am I just over-reacting and it’s just normal shyness?? Thanks

Answer #1

It’s normal to be shy but, you need to see your doctor to be tested for anxiety or something else. You could be anxious about anything and school is certainly one of those anxietys. It’s okay, you’re normal. So, see your doctor and see if he can recomend something for you.

Answer #2

you have exactly the same problem as my cousin I think it all comes down to personality. Youve probably got that from one of your parents genes or sumthing. My cousins dad was shy when he was younger and she turned out to be like him and she also cant answer a simple question. But yeh when she started to be the loudest one in her class everyone was like shocked to see a quiet person bring out her true colours..

Answer #3

you might have anxiety

Answer #4

sounds like you have anxiaty,ask your Dr to test you.

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