Is it weird to shop alone

Im 15 and I shop at the mall alone for clothes and stuff. Most girls of my age go with friends or family and im not a loner I just prefer to go shopping alone. Would you think I was a freak if you saw me in town.

Answer #1

no its not weird, if I didnt have a sister then I would go shopping by myself. Its better becuase you do not have to worry about people telling you what to and what not to get. It is very annoying at times

Answer #2

Its not weird to shop alone. I do sometimes as well. It can sometimes give your more time to look just for yourself and find exactly what you want.

Answer #3

hey girl dont be afread man im 15 too I go with my friends but I think you should want you want dont listen to others in fact just be who you are dont act like onther persone cayse of your friends do what you want

Answer #4

lol nah thats not weird I prefer shopping alone too infact I barely go shopping with friends lol

Answer #5

Not at all- I like to go shopping alone, it gives me time to decide what I want without having to think about whether another person wants to leave already or not.

Answer #6

I dont like shopping at all am I evan weirder? lol

Answer #7

I always go shopping with mates its fun. but at least your independent, right?

Answer #8

It’s not weird to shop alone. Sometimes shopping with friends or family can be annoying because they don’t really know what you like. Shopping alone is a lot easier and faster.

Answer #9

Noo! I’m 15 too. Sometimes I go with my friends if I need to have a laugh but a lot of the time I prefer to go by myself. I like making my own individual decisions about what I’m going to buy without my friend’s opinions haha. And also I get to choose which shops to go in :P It works out :)


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