Is emo the way to go?

is emo the way 2 go?

Answer #1

what do you mean?? like you want to be emo?? Well if you do then dress in black and act like your depressed!!! if that’s not it then listen to their music!!

Answer #2

Personally, I don’t think it matters what we think on the way you “should go”. because its all your style and it should be want you want. Also, sterotypes suck. So just be you, and don’t worry if it’s the “way to go”. That’s just my opinion.

Answer #3

saying is emo is the right way is as right a way as being a goth, prep, mettaler etc. etc. if you think it’s the right emo love go with it dont let anyone stop you

Answer #4

Labels are sh*t imo!!!

Dress and act how you like. Listen to the music you want too and be friends with the people you want to be friends with.

Answer #5

I’m not exactly sure if I believe in Emo as a person. I think it’s a style. I hate stereotypical comments. I’m in my ways Emo, but I’m not sure if it’s “the” way to go. Everyone has their own way that they want to be and maybe Emo is yours. And you should be proud of that because atleast you know who you are. [[=

Answer #6


Answer #7

oh yeh ;) xxx

Answer #8

what do you feel? Are you always depressed and mad at the world? Choose your path with the way you feel

Answer #9

if you want to b emo then more power to you im emo and its great not so lol

Answer #10

depends. What you feel like all the time and are overly sensitive…

Answer #11

Emo is a genre of music. Be yourself, don’t stereotype.

Answer #12

do want you want dude but be prepared for streotyping COOL HAIR

Answer #13

YES!! Emos are awsome!!

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