Is he just not that into me?

Well…I have a boyfriend named Jason…I call him Jaybear…anyways. So honestly, I think hes the best thing EVER. And I like…LOVE HIM, but I don’t know if he’s that into me, like. Im not sure if he likes me that much…Why do I say this, you may ask?…Well, he doesnt kiss me infront of his friends…or my ex…and he doesnt act the same…like he isnt all cute…he just kinda ignores me most of the time…and it really bugs me, because I like him soo much. You know? And like, I dont know whts going on. I asked him about it and Im like, “Jason…why arent you the same to me infront of your friends?”… and hes like “What do you mean?” And im like, “well you dont kiss me…you like COMPLETELY ignore me…” And hes like “ Aw…Im sorry…I dont mean to?” And im like, “Well you kinda do…are you embarrased of me cause Im younger?” And hes like “No..I dont care if youre younger…youre hot. It doesnt matter” And im like “ Oh..” And like also…he doesnt say anything like youre funny or…youre nice…he says youre hot, youre pretty, youre cute. Ya know? And I dont know if he really likes me… What do you think?

Answer #1

Thank you guys sooo muchh :)

Answer #2

hes not on the same level as you like in the point of the relationship but thats typical for guys to do that and just warn him that you want the same respect as you give him or be like him see how he likes it

Answer #3

Sounds like its superficial you should love someone for them not how they look. Either that or he just isnt thoughtful. as for not being all kissy in front of people, he will just be embarrest,seriously I love my girlfriend to bits and we kiss all the time but when were out in public I cant do all the cute stuff we do :( just the way it is people will think your crazy lol. And not kissing you infront of your ex is a no brainer, you dont want to rub salt into the ex’s wounds, break ups are hard enough without you kissing their old girlfriend right in front of them lol. If he loves you then im sure he thinks your smart and funny =) I always tell my girlfriend how awesome she is and incidentally I think shes the most beautiful person on the earth but how she is on the inside should be more important. Not kissing you infront of his friends may be another imbarresment thing, I once had a friend that would spend his breaktimes kissing his girlfriend while the rest of us stood next to them, it was awkward na got old INCREDIBLY fast, it was so annoying we were like “were here too you know..put her down ¬_¬” it wont be because your younger than him, just so he doesnt bomb off his friends for you, because once you do that you lose all of your friends. and a man without friends is a poor man.

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