Why do I get so irritated around my parents?

Answer #1

Parents are the authority figure over a young person’s life. They are usually looking out in the best interest of their children. Things that they do, sometimes, may seem annoying to you. Your image of them is based on this perception.

Answer #2

Know how u feeli feel. It aucks but I have leared if u juat let them think they have won the arguement. Things go a littls easier. good luck!

Answer #3

There could be lots or reasons. You might not like their rules, the way they tell you what to do, nd just simple stuff like that. Then it could be because you think they are doing something wrong or unfair, it’s normal. The best thing you can do is to just walk away from the situation, this way you don’t start any fuse and don’t end up doing something you will be sorry for latter.

Answer #4

Because you’re 13 :)

Answer #5

Because you want to do what you want to do, and they won’t let you?

Answer #6

Parents will hold you back as long as you are young which is probably why you are annoyed. But don’t worry, they always understand you on the inside. Big differences can cause this to such as religion or if you are adopted or not (I’m doubting this for you though)

Answer #7

Well I’d say it’s because you don’t quite understand them, they’re being over-bearing and you’re thinking WHY WHY WHY!? Parents are simply mad. Can’t wait to be one XD just teasing.

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