Where do you get most of your inspiration from?

Books, music, movies, family, friends, etc…?

Answer #1

family :p

Answer #2

Books and my imagination :)

Answer #3

I get most of my inspiration from myself. I look at what I want to do. Of course the initial idea comes from a picture or what ever, but how I develop it comes from me. I think of how I want to see it differently and how it can fit into a more practical use. I hold the idea in my mind, without thought, for a few minutes and then let it go. The idea comes to me in picture form. And it’s always perfect. If I do something for another person and want that thing to be perfect for them I do the same thing. I put my attention on them, and ask myself, “what is it you are looking for.” The answer always pops up and it’s just right. The person thinks I’m a genius. I’m not, I just know what to do. And so do you.

Answer #4

In fact i read a lot of books.You don’t believe that i have started writing quotes of different people right from my school days and i still have that and read it again and again whenever i am free .Sometimes i find solutions to my problems reading these quotes which does motivate me, give me answer to my problems etc. If you also have this habit of collecting and reading quotes you will also now what i meant here

Answer #5

Quotes are inspiring.

Answer #6

Songs :)

Answer #7

The Self is my inspiration. Nobody can show me my own Self, only I can do that. This Self in every one and each one can be inspired by it. But they must struggle for it. Books and other external knowledge are mere intellect, they are temporary inspiration. It is the Self which never leaves you, let it be the inspiration, it never fails. Even after the body suffering from all the miseries the Self stands strong unchanged - untouched.

Answer #8

anything and everything really, i get inspiration from the strangers i meet, my own family and friends and the things they’ve been through.

Answer #9

What if you dont know what it you are looking for? Then how do you come up with the right solution to your problem?!

Answer #10

I write a lot, so I need inspiration as well…for me I get it off of anything & anyone… if I am watching tv, and an idea comes to mind, sometimes from a commercial, or a line in a movie…it can come up in a song or just off a poster on a train/bus or even a store name.

Motivation is where you get the urge to do/write/sing/create can also come from ur imagination.

No matter where you get it from, family, friends or anything in between…embrace it & go with it…it’s ur intuition leading you in the right direction. If you feel you need to question that, then its wrong to do!

Hope that made sense! ♥

Answer #11

Mostly, honestly, music. :) Lyrics and artists are very insparational. :)

Answer #12

A lot of my inspiration comes from people doubting me. When I was a freshman, a lot of upper classmen and even teachers doubted what I was capable of doing, all because my brother hadn’t graduated with his class the year before and was known as the school’s biggest stoner. At first I was put down by all of the people who expected me to be an idiot like my brother. But then I realized a lot of the people had no idea what kind of person my brother really was, so who were they to tell me who I was? Proving people wrong is one of the best feelings; I am currently standing 11th out of the 164 in my class.

Answer #13

I get inspiration usually from daydreams or my little sister :D

Answer #14

There is always a question to a problem, right. So do this. Go to someplace where there is quietness, and won’t be disturbed. Choose a place to sit, comfortably, and relax. Shut your eyes, and blank out everything in your mind as long as you can. A minute or so. When everything is absent in the mind ask your question to yourself. Don’t be anxious, and demanding an answer. The answer will come. The answer is always right. Because within you is the answer to all things right for you. All you have to do is ask.

Sometimes the answer is not what you like or want, but it is always correct.

I did this one time, years ago, about my work. I got an answer I didn’t like. Then forgot about it. A couple of years later I was working in that business I didn’t think I would be. It turned out to be the best thing for my future. So you never know by the answer you get. The truth or fact is it is always right for you. Not someone else but you. The answer is never wrong for you. You basically know what is best for you, you just don’t see it at that moment. What it will be for you in the future. Don’t work against it, go with the flow, and learn from it. The answer is always right for you to learn from for the future.

Answer #15

Thank you, that is an interesting theory! I will definitely try that next time.

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