How do yeast infections happen?

How do You get Yeast Infections.?

Answer #1

Yeast infections are very common in women so I think it’s just something that naturally happens, I don’t think anything specifically sets them off.

Answer #2

Many things can raise your risk of a vaginal yeast infection, such as:

stress lack of sleep illness poor eating habits, including eating extreme amounts of sugary foods pregnancy having your period taking certain medicines, including birth control pills, antibiotics, and steroids diseases such as poorly controlled diabetes and HIV/AIDS hormonal changes during your periods

Answer #3

well.. there are several ways.. biggest one is wiping back to front instead of front to back.. wearing underwear more than once without washing them.. sharing underwear.. taking some prescription medications that are in the pennicilin family.. and not rinsing off all the soap when you wash yourself

Answer #4

Yeast (candida albican is found in the back of the pharynx,gut, vagina,and skin. Yeast lives well in warm,acidic environments and when certain contributing factors occur. (such as listed by Stevenoo) cause a high glycogen content in the vagina which the yeast feasts on and causes an over abundance of yeast leading to infection. Some items Stevenoo listed such as antibiotics wipe out the bacteria in the vagina that normally keep the yeast at low levels and again the yeast thrives Yeast infections can be acquired through sexual intercourse. If you have a yeast infection your partner should be treated along with you prevent reinfection

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