Who out there enjoys being alone?

Who out there enjoys being alone? Or who is “okay” with being alone?

Answer #1

Wow, COURAGES says that she isn’t rude but look at how she just told us both off. I wasn’t even trying to be rude to her. And you wonder why I can’t stand people…How about you keep your answers to yourself and don’t answer anymore of mine.

Answer #2

You guys say you hate society, and I will admitt, it gets on my nerves to. But without human contact the individual can not live. Humans have to have some kind of contact, with someone or something or they can not survive and function properly. Do some research if you dont believe me.

Answer #3

I hate being alone because when I’m alone I feel sad lol

Answer #4

I am a very independent person and like to take care of myself. But just because I am independent does not mean I like being alone. In fact I hate being alone I like to have companu someone to talk to and share my independence with. Being independent does not mean being alone

Answer #5

People may not be able to survive without people, but people can survive without people being so rude and hateful…Think about that

Answer #6

Yeah I cant stand society either.

Answer #7

aww, I know who jaxle, lol. yeah, I like being alone most of the time, but sometimes it drives me CRAZY!

Answer #8

I love being alone too…of course, there is someone I want here with me…

Answer #9

I love being alone, I don’t know why, I just do

Answer #10

I dont mind being alone

Answer #11

Yes it would be nice if many people were not rude and hateful. That is one reason I hate working jobs where you have to deal with many people everyday, it gets frustrating. But I try to look at the positive side of things rather than the negative. But I do say I think I would go crazy living in isolation in fact I know I would and most people at that would too. It is okay to be alone some times but living in total isolation, that is crazy and I realy am not trying to be rude, but if you feel so strongly about being alone to die rather than dealing with society than you probably need to go see a psychologist. And yes it is an option to choose, but God did not give you life for you to just waste it away. Every person is meant for something in this world and it is up to that individual to find out what that is, but how can you if you isolat yourself from the world. And for teal, I was not being rood and hateful I was just stating how I feel about the subject, if you dont like it keep it to yourself. and your little comment…Think about that, all I can say is that was ruder more than anything I have said, so dont talk about people being rood and how you hate it when you are one of them. And sry I just sounded rood myself, but I will defend myself because I am actually one of the nicest, most giving, people you could ever met.

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