What is the most important day to you?

Answer #1

I love Christmas day, all my family comes together and everybody is happy. I love giving gifts and seeing their expression when they open it. It’s just a loving time. To have everyone together. Since everyone is so busy these days I don’t see much of my family.

Answer #2

i love Easter cuz we all go to church and then as a family we go out and eat then havee fun outside with the little kids :)

Answer #3

my birthday… it reminds me that i have my own holiday :P

Answer #4

Saturday. It has always represented to me, freedom from obligations and special leisure time. It just always has a good feel to it. Always will.

Answer #5

I like the 4th of july. :)

Answer #6

CHRISTmas Day (:

Answer #7

Everyday especially christmas. Not fof the gifts but for Jesus and the over all feeling.

Answer #8

every time you post a bout jesus i can’t help but think it’s an act cause your to over the top with your jesus stuff. and you realize jesus wasn’t god right

Answer #9

I love Easter and Christmas. They are both so special to me. :) My family is all together and happy and everything is completely peaceful and beautiful and really I love those days for all the meaning that’s in them and the peace and joy that is filling my home on them.(:

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