What's the most important - inner beauty or outer beauty?

Answer #1

Both are equally important. Depends on who you ask.

Answer #2

Definatly inner. girls with just outer beauty eventually seem ugly.

Answer #3

Both are equally important, but inner is more important. No matter how perfect the shape of her face and body is, if she acts like an idiot, with envy, jealousy, provocating… then people with call her air head or even something worse. But a girl will look extremelly beautiful when she has all the kindness and has this beautiful heart toward human being despite her ugly face.

Answer #4

outer beauty..

Answer #5

Inner beauty is the most important but if you have great inner and outer beauty then you are blessed. I think Inner beauty shows on the outside as well though because they can be happier than others and they will stand out because of their inner beauty.

Answer #6

inner. It doesnt matter how expenive your clothes are or what errings u ware or how high your heels are. Real beauty shines through your heart. We were put here on earth in a certain time place and era for a reason.

Answer #7

It depends in what kind of situation. In a personal situation, then of course inner beauty is more important. But the sad truth is that any future employers will employ beauty over a ‘nice personality’ given they hold the same qualifications. Being pretty gets you more in life in a sense that you’ll most probably get free drinks, free parking, waved tickets, and a more positive attitude from store clerks and shopping assistants. A nice, but deemed ‘unattractive’ woman will not get any of these things, but in the long run will have lived a more wholesome life, and have helped many more people, which to me is a much more beneficial trait.

Answer #8

I would definitely say inner beauty…simply because I happen to be judged a lot based on my outer beauty and a lot of people just don’t really find it there, not much anyways. So most basically call me ugly and move on… But when people take the time to stop judging and actually get to know me, they see how caring, loving, tolerant, etc I am and they can even become like family to me … :)

Answer #9

it is unfortuatly human nature to be drawn toward what we as people find beautiful but personally, i dont care how pretty a girl is if shes mean i cant stand her long enough to enjoy the view so inter beauy takes the cake but outer outer beauty has some role to play in any sort of realationship

Answer #10

the better u feel on the inside, the better ull look on the outside

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