Implantation bleeding

Urgent answers please as soon as possible. If anyone has read my other questions they will know I am speaking about.(implantation bleeding) and well 2day I woke up and had blood, it was reddish brown and then this afternoon it stopped and hasnt started again. I know it not a period as when do get 1 thy heavy show and last bout 5 dayz and I know I due 1 and dont know wot going on wi ma body. Th 1st tym strtd bleeding was last saturday and it it was light and stopped after so many mins then it happened again on mon night then on thurs and now 2day! Is thiz implantation bleeding? How long after sex can it start? (as I have had sex a quite a few times) How long does it go on for? And does it start and stop? Please help as I am really scared and worried and cant go to docz

Answer #1

Implant ‘bleeding’ is normally just a little bit of spotting and doesn’t last - it’s usually pink or brown in colour. If it was due to being pregnant it would happen around your expected period. When I had implant it was only there like 3 times when I wiped on 3 different days, once a day and that was it. It wasn’t like blood at all, it was really light pink.

It could be your period coming on, might not be. Sometimes due to body changes you’ll get weird periods like that, I had that when I wasn’t pregnant a few different times after have a regular period for years. Go take a pregnancy test.

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