Should I have the implant out?

I’m turning 18 in a few days, And I got the implant in July this year cause of bad side effects to the Pill. I’ve been having a bad back pains for the past few months. The Doctors don’t know why I have them. Everything they give me, helps to start off then it comes back. I found out the other day that it is possible it’s a side effect of the Implant. I’ve also been quite depressed lately, which again is another side effect. Should I have the implant out, cause It’s making me feel really bad :/ /Edit
I’d like to add that the place that I got in put in (a sexual health walk in clinic) don’t like to take the implant out before the 3 years is up even if you’re have REALLY bad problems (The last few month it really did some damage to my mum last year, and they didn’t want to take it out early) So I don’t know how I should go about having it taken out either.

Answer #1

If it’s doing more harm than good, then yes, have it removed.

Answer #2

Have you considered trying something different again, like the contraceptive patch? you only have to put it on once a week and its sorted.. you should ask your doctor or clinic about it!

Answer #3

i have the implant, i have had one just replaced in august this year i am perfectly fine and dont get my period often where on the other hand my younger sister gets heavier flows as well as it lasting 13 days she has problems with it but she has kept it because she is scared of getting it removed after seeing the complications i had when mine was getting removed, best advice i can give you is find another clinic and talk about your options and then decide whether or not it is doing more harm than good. :) hope i helped

Answer #4

If it isn’t working for you, take it out. That is what is nice about modern times there are tons of birth control options you can use, like betts said, what about the patch? Or a different brand of pill?

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