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Am I ugly or not?
ok well a lot boys think im ugly and fat but all my friends think im reely pretty and skinny…and lately like no boys like me and I have tried so many times and I dont know wut to do…I dot know how to stop feeling so bad bout myself…I dont like it…wut should I do..o and all my ex boyfriend calls me A fat a* whre and tday on aim this boy called me it too and I don’t know wut to do
Awe, I so sorry to hear that! I think im in the same situation as you, and even though I dont know what to do necessarily, I can tell you what im going to do.
I’ve been looking online for the past few hours with the same sort of problem, and ill tell you what I’ve found.
I like my hair, so im not going to change that, but, it might be an option for you to consider. For me, im going to work out every day, from now on. I dont really like my body and I think I could def work on that…you might too. and since im a guy this last thing wont help me, but I’ve been reading that girls should change their makup style if they think it is an option, you might try that too :-)
I’ve also read that the key to the whole thing is confidence. For me, thats the toughest part! Every time anyone looks at me, I want to run Not FLirt!! I want to cry when people ignore me and pretend like I dont exist because im ugly. Im going to work out and pretend like I’ve got something that they want.
Ill be thinking about you when I work out, and hope your finding happiness with whatever you decide to do.
keep your chin up :-)
Awe, I’m so sorry people are treating you this way!
I think I’m not the best looking too. But here is what I’m going to do, maybe you might do the same thing. (and if you don’t believe me, how do you think I came across your post? yep, thats right, I was searching it on Google)
A lot of the sites I’m coming across tell me to take action. I like the way I have my hair, but I think my body needs work. Maybe you might want to change your hair, and body too. I’m a guy, so I don’t wear make-up, but maybe change your style of make-up.
All the sites I’ve come across say that confidence is the key. For me, thats the hardest thing. My heart drops whenever people look at me funny and I want to cry so badly. This girl that I’m practically in love with doesn’t like me and yeah, things are horrible. But, I’m going to give it my best shot. I’m going to work out every day till I’m satisfied, and try to pretend like I’m happy and confident.
Try it with me, Ill always think about you when I work out, I hope we both find happiness. :-)
ok well now I dont feel ugly,…I hve recently got a boyfriend and hes amazing…he thinks im beautiful and perfect and I always make hi smile..and as the first person to answer my question…beauty is reey in the eyeof the beholder <33 thxx guys soo much… but for my boyfriend…hes going to columbia tomorrow for 10 days and im going to miss himso much
omg dont think your ugly…I feel so bad…people are big jerks and dont listen to them awww I feel horrible ..funmail me if you want
hey here is a tip never say you r ugly because you will get your self thinking you r when your not. if some one calls you ugly just say nobodys perfect not even me. you are the head and not the tail you are above and not beneth you r the victor not the victom you r not ugly girl. take it from a 13 year old.
People say I’m ugly and a fat @ss and all the stuff too…just ignore them.. okay.. now I know I shouldn’t exactly be talking cause I’m vary emotional cause I take everything serous…
people call me slut and hor and prostitute because sometimes I get wasted or what ever and like nicole dawn told me IGNORE THEM because you r pretty and I aint just sayin that either
wow girls . im a mum of a 16 yr old so I know what im sayin . Dont you girls ever let anyone put you down and please dont try and be something just because someone tells ya to be. remember BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER and right now you are the beholder . These people that call you these names . take a good look at them and ask yourself if they are perfect… NOOO!!! They are not . Enjoy your life and enjoy your youth . feel beautiful and the next time someone says something nasty just ask them to take a look at themselves . then walk away with your head held high …
your not only beautiful and perfect you look cute as a budding grape. I like ut eyes. Cheers.
they just wana put you down dont lisn 2 them at all
lisn to the people who care about you thell tel you the truth!!!
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