Any ideas or motivation tips?

I am 19 in the uk and after a period of depression during my sixth form studies I got really stuck on where to go in life. I have some social anxiety and am not wanting to go to university now- maybe could when im older. But I have no idea what to do. Totally stuck. Any ideas on how I can find motivation again? If I get a job in a shop say like boots or a clothes shop is it possible to work my way up in that line . Its the only thing I can think of doing right now I mean I need a job…and want one…cant decide what to study lol aaargggh . Its bad. So please any ideas or motivation tips??

Answer #1

Sounds pretty much like my story, I messed up my life pretty bad through social anxiety. It wasn’t til I was 22 that I went back to university. So I wouldn’t worry too much, if you got your A levels and your’e just deciding on a course you’re still in a pretty good position. What subjects did you do at college? If you’re not wanting to go to university I would just try and find a job and just settle into that for the next 6 months, once you have a bit more experience it might give you an idea where you want to go in life. Did you not get one of those career advice things, they have those connexions things that you can use when you’re still 19 I think. If you want to go to university but don’t feel you can this year, I would just work towards that as a goal for next year. Think what you need to do, the issues you need to address to achieve it, and then do all you need to do to get yourself ready. Get yourself out there trying new things, which should help with your confidence and social anxiety. Could be volunteering or trying out new hobbies. Again think what you want to do at uni, get advice. Again obviously in an ideal world what you do at uni would be used for what you do in a job, but that doesn’t often reflect reality. A lot of people go to uni and still end up doing something completely different. Uni is also about the education and other skills that you develop, and the experiences and social life. Keep yourself focused but don’t get too disheartened, from what I can gather you have a lot to be positive about.

Answer #2

Why does it seem so scary to you? If you have any specific worries you can ask me them. It’s much easier than college, in theory you’re dealing with much more mature people, more tolerant and accommodating.

My only complaint of uni (and I say this because I’m a bit weird) is that it’s a bit stereotypical. The people specifically, they all seem to behave and think in very much the same way. I think it’s to do with these modern internet times, everyone seems very fashionable, and bland…

Answer #3

Thanks for that slavaim :) I think that is what I will do, keep uni as an option but concentrate on a small job and getting experience for now. I do actually do some volunteering and am looking for some new work to do to learn something different . I do try. I have done quite a lot over the past year to help with confidence- getting there slowly but unfortunately uni seems like such a scary thing to me. I know some with social anxiety go and get through it but I dont think I could. I got good a levels and am clever so that helps :) I bet I wont know what I should do when I reach 24 either hehehe

Answer #4

Oh, and if it helps, I’m 24 and still don’t have the slightest clue where I want to go in life :)

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