If you were president...

Fine, since there are a lot of people upset about the election, enlighten me and please share what you would do if you were Barack Obama. Oh, and please don’t bring up lies such as him being a socialist or terrorist. Lets keep it clean.

Answer #1

I can’t say exactly what I would do for the most part, because I don’t have enough information at this point to make informed decisions if I were President, but I can say what my leanings are:

  • I want to get the US out of Iraq, and unfortunately, we need to engage in Afganastan much more heavily. The Taliban is on the verge of making a comeback.

  • Remove the types of laws that led to the current financial crisis; don’t mandate that banks must make stupid loans. Prohibit derivative trading on any financials backed by the government. Increase reserve requirements (after we recover from the current crisis), mortgage down payments for federally backed mortgages. Prohibit ARMs for federally backed mortgages. Eventually, get the government out of the mortgage insurance business altogether.

  • Get rid of the federal reserve. Back the dollar. It doesn’t have to be gold, but it needs to be something of actual value - a theoretical basket of goods and services would work just fine.

  • Eliminate taxes on wages altogether. Turn social security into a real retirement plan rather than a ponzi scheme, so that the witholdings are an investment rather than a tax. Fund existing social security obligations through general revenue rather than via payroll taxes.

  • Eliminate federal programs and departments unrelated to the Constitution’s charter

  • End the drug war and retroactively drop all charges for drug usage and possession of “small” amounts (need to think about what small means). Anyone in prison on soley those charges would be set free. This amnesty would not apply to those who had additional felony charges, nor those who had been charged for possession of large amounts (dealers, drug lords, etc.), as people like that are generally part of organized crime. Repeal federal narcotics laws except those related to smuggling imports.

  • Restore Constitutional protections regarding privacy and habeus corpus

…as a start

Answer #2

“and says he is a Christian”

Really? Because a lot of Christians swear he’s a Muslim…

“I’m trying to remember a President in the last 60 years (maybe ever) who didn’t at least SAY they prayed”

Well, Americans are superstitious…I mean, er, religious…so ya got to keep the people happy…

Answer #3

seao2florida, While comments on my profile are public for anyone to who goes there to see, RG’s comment was directed at me, and no one else. It was an inside joke between us.

We do not have problems with most theists. Just the ignorant and judgemental ones.

Answer #4

Well, Americans are superstitious…I mean, er, religious…so ya got to keep the people happy…

So you think he has been a liar for the last 20 years, and is also willing to pull his children into that lie to “fool” Americans who are “supersticious” into his camp?


Answer #5

Fau, He is a socialist. You can’t deny, move around or ignore this. If you do, you are not a realist.

His idea of “distributing the weath” is Socialism. Socialism is a good thing on paper. However, in reality it sucks. Ask an Austalian, Englishman or Swed.

Our only hope is that the next four years are short.

Answer #6

“Simple: Act in the best interests of the American people, uphold the Constitution, and make positive changes where necessary.”

I think he meant you to be a little more specific. Please explain to me what Obama will do that is different from what you say you would do?

Answer #7

Really? Because a lot of Christians swear he’s a Muslim…

What’s THIS got to do with the price of tea?? Stay on the subject.


Answer #8

They can’t. They can say all the things they would LIKE to do, but being president is not that easy. You can’t make everyone happy.

Answer #9

“Let’s hope that Barack has such a relationship with God.”

We need the most powerful man in the world to be talking with a mythical being in the sky about as much as we need a giant thermonuclear weapon shoved directly up our collective hindquarters.

Answer #10

Simple: Act in the best interests of the American people, uphold the Constitution, and make positive changes where necessary.

Answer #11


The username is a joke. Lighten up.

And, with all of the other discussions about religion that take place on this board, why are you singling me out with such ridiculous accusations?

Answer #12

“Now that he won the election he admited that he wont be able to do most of what he said”

Where have you been? Seriously. That’s how elections work, that’s how they have always worked. NO PRESIDENT has every been able to accomplish everything he promised that he would. That’s just how it is.

Answer #13

“So you think he has been a liar for the last 20 years, and is also willing to pull his children into that lie to “fool” Americans who are “supersticious” into his camp?”

Oh for crying out loud…go back and look at the statement to which I posted this response. You said “I’m trying to remember a president in the last 60 years who didn’t at least say they prayed”…to which I made my response about Americans being superstitious. Get it now?

I don’t know how sincere Obama is with regard to his religion. But since YOU brought up presidents over the last 60 years, AND implied that they might not necessarily be sincere about their prayer claims, it follows that maybe a lot of these guys have used religion as a tool for getting votes. Our still current president comes to mind…that’s my point.

Answer #14

As I said, I don’t know what Obama’s religious convictions really are. I can only hope he will rely on reason, rational thinking, and the will of his country, rather than “God’s will” in making decisions. However, if Obama is an atheist or agnostic at heart, I’d agree it would be asinine for him to admit this to the US public. Just as it would’ve been for any president to say such a thing. The country made a big deal out of electing a Roman Catholic for a president, and many were outraged about a guy running for president that had been educated in a Muslim country. Can you imagine what Americans would think of a self-proclaimed atheist running? Come on…

Answer #15

seao2florida, while I may be judgemental at time, I base it on well founded, factual information. Unlike those judgemental relgious zealots whose beliefs are not based on anything factual.

I have no problem debating. Bring it on. But it must be based on reality, and not on fantasies, like belief in dieties.

You think I am arrogant and judgmental?

It was you who said this to RG: “Please don’t espouse your support for you disbelief , when even you don’t accept it. And why are you so unaccepting ot those who do believe?”

So you don’t mind posts where people agree with you, but if they don’t we should not be posting?

Answer #16


You are the epitome of the ignorant and judgmental. I have never in the almost 6 decades of my life seen anyone so pompous and egotistical. Your intent on this website seems to be to bash anyone who doesn’t believe in your views.

I am so sorry, there are others of us who do have the ability to think outside of the demagoguery, that you represent.

As long as I have the time, you will be challenged because you are are so arrogant.

Answer #17

We need the most powerful man in the world to be talking with a mythical being in the sky about as much as we need a giant thermonuclear weapon shoved directly up our collective hindquarters.

And YOU rg, were talking about the president elect…who HAS sat in church for 20 years, takes his children to church, and says he is Christian…

I do believe your “need” is probably going to be filled… that the most powerful man in the world may very well have discussions with that “mythical being”…


Answer #18

We need the most powerful man in the world to be talking with a mythical being in the sky about as much as we need a giant thermonuclear weapon shoved directly up our collective hindquarters.

Well…he sat in church for 20 years, got married in the church, takes his children to church…and says he is a Christian…I’m trying to remember a President in the last 60 years (maybe ever) who didn’t at least SAY they prayed…I think he’ll be doing some praying…


Answer #19

He said he believes in socialism so its not a lie. If you would bother to research on Obama you would realize this. Also if you bothered to research you would realize that what he plans to do is a mathmatical impossibility. Now that he won the election he admited that he wont be able to do most of what he said. READ ABOUT THE MAN BEFORE YOU ELECT HIM!!

Answer #20


You really should examine your beliefs. You go about bashing those young minds on this website who are seeking who they are. You select a screen name of “religionisgood”. Who are you really?? Was that a Freudian slip???

Please don’t espouse your support for you disbelief , when even you don’t accept it.

And why are you so unaccepting ot those who do believe?

Answer #21

“people that would tell me the truth no matter what…”

Wow, what a perfect world you live in! lol. You do realize that people lie right…and there’s nothing you can about it.

“Let’s hope that Barack has such a relationship with God”

Why is that? I’m personally glad that is not a Christian. Seperation of Church and State people, relgion should have NOTHING to do with politics.

Answer #22

Well religionisgood,

About the time I first got here, I looked up jimahl after a comment of his. I noted you posted a coment to jimahl that the name was chosen under the influence, and then you stated…

“…now let’s go out and bash some theists.”

So it appears it is a prime reason for your existence here. So the statements aren’t so “ridiculous”.

Answer #23

If I were elected Pres. I would surround myself with my most trusted and competent advisors…people that would tell me the truth no matter what…no yes men apply…please …Pray Pray Pray…and If I were a religous person God would direct this nation… Let’s hope that Barack has such a relationship with God.. and if he doesn’t that he would get one…I would hope he is a humble man..not a weak one.

Answer #24

if I was the presedint, then teens would be allowed to do whatever they want and everything they want would be free!!! and of course school would be as fun as a party!! and eveyone will LOVE school!! oh ya that’s a good idea, why not make a group of teens be the president? lol that’s impossible… any way it’s pretty hard, but it’d be fun though, ha- HA! lol (im not really serious) because I won’t know what to do til’ I’m in the situation…

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