How do you get pregnant?


Answer #1

are you serious? how old are you? well since your asking, you get pregnant by having sex. honestly! take sex ed

Answer #2

That would be um…interesting to

You are only 13. You would probably get more responses if you told us why you want to know. But if it’s just a curiosity thing then you really should talk to an adult that is close to you and you feel comfortable with.

Answer #3

You have sex with the guy, then spin in a circle on your head, sing your ABC’s, cluck like a chicken, and then do the I’m a little tea pot dance. Instant Baby.

rolls eyes

Answer #4

if you dont know how you get pregnant then your obviously not supposed to know yet!

ask your mummy :)

she’ll tell you about the birds and the bees

Answer #5

how do you not know? I knew about sex when I was a kid. and thats how you make babies

Answer #6

You should talk to a parent about sex if you’re curious.

Answer #7

haha mandyloo thats hilarious!!!

Answer #8

how old are you?

Answer #9

Ask your Mommy =)

Answer #10

um…I was certian this wasnt a secret but apparently it is. so I will tell you/. just sit in your room and listen to 500 rap songs. take notes. theyll tell you everything you need to know. Best wiishes!!!

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