Can I move out?

ok so im 17 but in about 9 months ill be parents said I cant move out because im still in high school and they are worried ill give up on school..but honestly moving out doesnt mean im throwing my life away I plan on staying with my best friend who also goes to school with me.ill still continue school and work on my singing career… I just cant live here anymore..I live with my step dad who is a total maniac and I love my mom but she just takes his side..but when hes not around she is so cool. what do I do..

they said if I leave theyll take my car.. GAH

Answer #1

Ok…talk to your mum about the situation. Tell her what you feel about her relationship with your step-dad. Explain that you would like to move out. And tell your parents that you won’t give up on school becase you are dedicated to it. They want to know that you are going to be safe. You need to prove to them that you can be mature.

The chances are that it will result in some sort of argument. She will be worried about you and will only want to protect you because she loves you. Are you saying that they won’t let you move out once you’re 18? If not then just wait the extra 9 months…And what about your car?

It won’t be so bad living with your parents. My advice is live with them for as long as you can, it’s going to cost a lot of money to move out and having to pay the rent. Stay with your parent, they’ll be able to support you and it will be easier for you to focus on yout work and singing career.

I wish you the best of luck for the future ;)

Answer #2

tell your mam what you feel like with your step dad let her understand how you feel she might be able to help if not then just think if you move in with a friend and are trying to concentrate on school and singing it might not be a good idea to be living with a friend because you would always be up to stuff and not be as focused on what you need to be

Answer #3

it is legal so move she does’nt have that athority

Answer #4

Do you have a job now? If you do, save up for a car. When you’re 18, you may have a car by then, and move. They can’t say anything.

Answer #5

Growing up is very difficult—for both you and your parents. They remember a little bundle of joy that they held and nurtured as a baby and now they see a budding adult. These days, children face things and know about things that their parents would never have imagined at the same age. The teenagers of today look older, act older and want to be older than their counterparts did just 20 years ago. It is the desire of all parents for their children grow up in the way that they should go (loving, caring, respectful, and being of good solid character). It is necessary that you truly understand that your parents have your best interests at heart. They will withhold privileges, set limits, and raise you to the best of their ability (neither they nor you are perfect), but be Thankful - They Care - many, many, many don’t. Ask them for guidance and seek to understand what truly motivates their decisions. One of the best ways to prove your maturity and prove that you are ready for more trust is to be respectful of your parent’s wishes and accept their guidance. Learn how to communicate love, honor, and respect to each other - I wish you the best !!

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