I want to leave but how do I forget?

I’m sick of my friends. My best friend back stabbed me when I saved her butt from getting into a lot of trouble. she would have been suspended and I took the hit for her and so she just got yelled at but thats it. But then she turns around and tells me she’s sick of me getting her into trouble! so now she’s always giving me dirty looks, talking about me to our old friends, bumbing into me on purpose, ignoring me, avoiding me. And it’s so immature! I CAN”T TAKE IT !! yesterday we were riding the bus and she tried to jump on me thinking it was all funny (even though my arm was killing me… long story.. anyway:) She tried to jump on me and I shoved her off of me and she slammed into another one of her friends. I told her not to touch me and she was like ‘well why not? take a joke.’… do you see anyone laughing? So she then grabbed my foot and tried to trip me, failing and looking like an idiot in the process she gave up. I’m usually very peaceful, don’t like to cause drama, it’s just not my thing. I’m a peacemaker not a hater. But when she does this kind of thing it pisses me off in the worst way and I just want to take her little blonde head and slam it into the wall a few times!!! GEEZ!!! I’ve had the choice of moving to be with my mom or staying here with my uncle and cousins. I’ve decided I want to move but I will miss my other friend SO badly! how do I move without missing them so badly? I want to leave, and I want to get away from this little B*tch that is driving me up the wall but what about the other people I love? I will miss them… :( help? “& I’m not just moving because of her I’ve wanted to move for a while now and this just made what I wanted more clear.)

Answer #1

I wished I was you! after reading what upset you so badly made me smile. You must be young. The reason the girl hateing so badly is that she wished she was you! she’s JEALOUS! she does not own the town you”re living in so stay put. Maybe someone have a crush on you and she have a crush on them. If not it could be your clothes, hair, shape,grades better than hers or maybe your personality. I dont care how far you move theres going to be another hater. Stop letting her get to you thats why shes doing it. Buy yourself a plain white shirt take it to the mall and have someone to write these words on it ‘’DON’T HATE ME BECAUSE YOU’RE NOT ME’’ remember she’s jealous . Its good to have people like that they teach you how to stay strong prove to her that you are a better person and laugh at her foolish a.. Power to you girl thanks to her you know you got it going on!

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