How can I be anorexic so I get skinny?

I am 14 and I look digustinng I am fat and I look like crap I need some thing to help me !!! I want to be annorexix or some thing I just want to be skinny I don’t care if guys don’t find me attractive I just want to be able to look in the mirrorr and like what I see… please help me…I want to be annorexix

Answer #1

Anorexia is a serious disorder, one where girls are prepared to do anything to be thin- some are even prepared to die for it. So by choosing this option, you are choosing a potential death sentence.

Anorexia will not make you like what you see in the mirror. Most people with eating disorders are in the constant mindset of “I just need to lose 5 more pounds, then I’ll be perfect”- unfortunately, they’re rarely satisfied, and keep convincing themselves that, even though they can see their bones, they’re still fat. Often people don’t choose to be anorexic, and those who suffer from it find it very hard to break free of it.

Anorexia causes severe strain and damage to your organs, and often kills through malnutrition or heart failure. Not a very glamourous our even dignified way to die. Is it really worth all that trouble, all the hurt you’ll cause family and friends, just so you’ll look good in a coffin?

If you want to lose weight (I actually find more people want to get toned than actually lose weight), Google some exercises to tone your mid section. Stomach crunches are good, so is just dancing around in your room by yourself. If you normally snack on sugary or “junk foods” swap them for fruit or veges. Have the odd chocolate bar or snack food as a treat though- denying yourself straight out will not work, and you’ll veer off the track.

Answer #2

First of all.. If you want to be somthing you should of studied it and learned to spell it. I’m not even sure if I can spell it correct. Second of all you shouldn’t do it. Health risks are high and your permently damaging your body. Both my ants were like that when they were teenagers. Now they ae still the same execpt when they do eat they eat good and they weight so much because there bodies repeled at the idea. Do you really want to be skinny now and fat later? NO!. Love your body. I love mine now. It took a bunch of friends and my boyfriend to make me think that but it worked. being skinny isn’t everything. You know what only REAL men will be happy with a REAL woman. Your proboly just big boned like me it runs in the family. Eat healthy and exercise. I dont look fat even though I’m big boned. So dont go anorexic.

Answer #3

this is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. all anorexia leads to is death all people will remember you as is the girl that starved herself just so she could lose some pounds honestly if you want to lose weight eat healthier and EXCERCISE. go to the gym or join athletics or something and if you become anorexic guys are pretty much gone out of your life because your obsessing over food, your man wont want someone that thinks they look disgusting when they really dont and do harmful things to themselves. and guys like curves too, not little sticks that havent eaten in 2 weeks that look like they can drop dead any second and then youll lose friends. just dont even try it.

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