I want Taylor Swift's hair

ok when you go get a perm I want taylor swifts hair what rod would I ask for ?? cause her hair is like supper curly and thick help!!!

Answer #1

you cant acheive Taylors look with a perm… each small section of her hair is wrapped around a curling iron in spiral form. It takes along time but she can do that she has a stylist. Dont perm your hair you will probably regret it.Instead, invest in a nice curling iron and ask your stylist to show you how to do it

Answer #2

do not get a perm! it screws your hair up and FRIES it, and if you dont like it, you have to deal wwith it for 6 months, or straighten it everyday and FRY it even more. just dont do it, it is a big mistake.

Answer #3

Well is your hair thick like hers? Is it a similar colour? Why don’t you just say that you’d like your hair to be like Taylor Swifts. Or even bring a picture and show them. Good luck :D


Answer #4

just go the salone good luck

Answer #5

I have blondish brown and im growing it out and its way thick

Answer #6

I 100% agree. A perm is a big risk. I have naturally curly hair and wanted it straight so I did a reverse perm to try and straighten my hair. My hair wasn’t straight. And like the other person said. It takes a long time to grow out. My hair wasn’t back to normal for two years! My new growth wouldn’t curl because I had the straightening chemicals still at the bottom. It toke tons of hair cuts to get rid of it. I know I’m taking about the opposite than you. Buts its the same difference. Harsh chemicals like that will fry your hair.

An plus taylor swift has naturally curlly hair which helps. And people use a curling iron on her hair. My suggestion would be to embrace your natural hair. And maybe curl your hair for a special occasion now and then.

Look at me. I have naturally curly hair and I hated it. I straightened it for over a year, then got the reverse perm and straithened it for another year and half. My hair was fried. But now was hair is back to normal. I learned how to work with my hair and now I love it! I actually have similar hair to taylors without the curling iron.

But yeah look at you. You may have the stick straight hair that I’ve always envied. You can get tons of layers and have sleek hair.

Or maybe you have the wavey inbetween hair. (I love this hair!) You can straighten your hair with ease. And curly yours too. and get those rockin beach waves.

Or maybe you have curly hair too. Which is awesome! Just embrace what you have and youll be happy. Everyone has what some else has.

When I look back at my teen years, I can see many different hair styles. Straight, curly, and damaged hair. I wish I knew what I knew now. I would have saved a ton of time.

Ceck out naturallycurly.com for tips on curly hair.

Answer #7


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