I think I'm going to write a book

I’m gonna write a book. what should it be about?

Answer #1

thanks a lot reo =D

Answer #2

Well number one dont self injure your way too good to be doing that, and number 2 saying as you want a bit of creativity in your life why not write about a character who self harms, write about why they self harmed, the emotions running through them while they self harmed, but give the character a dream and have it accomplish it in the book. It will be very good as you know exactly how the character would feel and may even help you as a person when you finish the book :)

Answer #3

thats the thing im writing this as a way to vent my emotions instead of self injuring myself like I’ve done for the past 2 years… and reo0088 that sounds a little like the bible except its jesus that comes down and eventually gets killed

Answer #4

Write what you know about and what makes you happy and excited when you are writing it and what flows out of you naturally and easily and maybe what you think will help and relate to other people.

Answer #5

Something you come up with. X_x


Answer #6

Have it about God who comes to Earth in the form of a person, and tries to put everything right and goes to Iraq to make peace but the army become wary of him and go after him, and being god he cant fight back so goes on the run but at the same time tries to convince them to stop but their Ego’s get in the way and God kills somebody by accident which makes him feel something he hasn’t before, anyways blah blah blah he starts to fight back and begins to change evil then the church get involved as they recognise his traits and powers and convince the world to make peace or God will become so evil he will become the devil and destroy the world…happy ending of course ;)

Answer #7

Depends.What do you intend to write about?Fiction or reality?Then decide on various topics and the plot,etc.

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