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I still love him...
a few months ago me and this kid I like named josh were really close and I was pretty sure he liked me back we would always text and stuff and then one day in math class, I didnt finish copying down the notes we needed for a test the next day and so I asked him to text me them and he never did.. so I got them from someone else and the next day I was all pretending that I was mad at him but I was trying to make it obvious that I was kidding and apperently, he didnt catch on and he got mad at me so he wouldent talk to me for about a week and hen I asked him on myspace why he was still mad at me and he said it wasent his fault and he had other things to do with his busy scedual so he couldent text me them but we were like having this whole discusion on myspace and I just was finally like I got over it and you need to too I cant even say I was sorry without you telling me not to talk to you. after I told him that, we werent talking to eachother and I couldent text him because my phone with his phone number got stolen and when I got it back, all the contacts were deleted and just a few minutes ago I was iming him on myspace and I was telling him sorry and stuff. and I really meant it. but all he could say was bye and see ya I just really want things to be the way they were a few months ago cause I still love him…
No offence sweety. But this guy is a jerk! How old is he??? He’s acting like a little 12 year old.. Oh well.. this question was posted about a month ago so I guess there’s nothing else to say.. =/
well this is probly gonna gie yu a good laugh.. hes 13
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