How to find out if he's interested?

I Like This Boy, And He Is Really Cute, But He Is In The 8th Grade And I Am In 7th. And He Is About 5 inches shorther than I am. But I Really Like Him and he Doesnt even notice me. The Only time he talks to me is when he asks me to pass him the basketball at lunch. And I Don’t think he is interested in me because he never really looks at me or talks to me. I Dont Know What To do. Please Help Me.

Answer #1

Thanks To Everyone WHo Helped:) And Salsaandchips, Yes I DO Play Basketball:) I Will Try And Talk To Him About Basketball Or Something Along Those Lines.

Answer #2

well, dont worry about his height, you guys are still in middle school. maybe you can get his screen name or something. I prefer talking to people in person, but if your too nervous to start a conversation in person, IM him.

Answer #3

Guys are hard at that age because they don’t always show if they like you or not.

Try to find something you guys have in common and maybe ask him a question about it - guys like to show that they know stuff.

Do you play ball too? If you do - maybe challenge him to a game - or ask him to show you how to shoot like he does.

I wouldn’t worry about the height either - he may grow still. My boyfriend was 6 inches shorter in 8th grade - but by our junior year of high school he was 6 inches taller!

Answer #4

well since that looks like that is not going newhere.. I suggest you MOVE ON! :]

Answer #5

try talking to him, start some harmless flirtation :]

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