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How should I style my hair?
I need a new hairstlye im sick of my ponytail. my hair is shoulder lenght and black and face is round.. pls help!!
well you should try something you never did before so you can be orignal and stand out.but if you cant think of anything you can never go wrong with curls.they look good on just about anyone.
Do not get your hair cut to a certain style!! Why? Because you’ll only look good with the hairstyle the way it is originally,bur if you try to do something else with it, it’ll look retarded. Try: Piggytails (Japanese version or American version) Tease it Bedhead style Straigten it to poker straight Maybe add some wacky spray-in colors
That’s all I got;hope it helps!
What would be a graet hair cut or style for my flat & thin hair? - 1 Answers
What would be a graet hair cut or style for my flat & thin hair? Im constantly trying new things with no success.
How to style hair like hayley's? (paramore) - 1 Answers
How can I style my hair like hayley's? Im having trouble trying to do the same (not exact).
Hair weave styles - 1 Answers
I have a weave in, it's human hair. I want it to be curly. If I wet it and braid it, will it curl? And if I wet the weave wi...
What is a cute hair style? - 2 Answers
What is a cute hair style? For down, brown hair, straight ,and meduim length
cute and weird hair styles that have braids involved? - 2 Answers
what are some cute and weird hair styles that have braids involved??
Messy Hair Stylee.? - 2 Answers
Whats Ya Opinion On The Messy Styled Hair Look >? x
hair madness 80s stylee - 1 Answers
any one know any good ways to do your hair in 80s styles
50's style waves - hair style - 1 Answers
Does anyone know how to get that cool 50's style wavy curls? Thy look so neat and I've always wanted to try it.
What would be a simple hair style 4 me I have curly black hair? - 1 Answers
Well im sick of waking up every morning with a bed head just need I style and quick got school tommorow help!!!
What style to cut my hair? - 3 Answers
I dont know what style to cut my hair. help me!!!
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