How is this site going too help me get a job?

How is this site going too help me get a job?

Answer #1

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

  Welcome to Fun Advice!

  Hey, you’re only 13. Enjoy your teen years while you can.

Maybe you could help out more around the house to entice a bigger allowance, or start letting it be known around your neighborhood that you are available to babysit, house sit, do errands, etc. If there are any elderly in your neighborhood, they might be willing to spend a little to have you assist them with house cleaning, shopping, etc.

Answer #2

This site can not help you get a job. Members may be able to direct you to the right place. But NOPE we are not a job agency! :)

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