I hate my tiny boobs

I hate my tiny boobs so much. My mum went and bought me some bikinis and bathers when I was at school today for when we go on holiday and when I found them I broke down and cried. I’m so flat chested and I HATE it so much. I don’t know. I felt like dying. I don’t want to be seen looking like a 6 year old girl. I don’t want people to see how tiny they are. I hate myself because of them, as over the top as that sounds

I understand people will say ‘love yourself for who you are. Don’t let it bother you.’ But I can’t. I just can’t.

I HATE when my mum goes and buys me stuff, because she always seems to pick stuff that makes me feel even worse about myself. Is there any way to make them look bigger in bikinis?

Thank you.

Answer #1

peronaly I think your lucky,you don’t need to wear a bra and don’t have boys talking to your chest all the time,but at the same time I know where your coming from.

Answer #2

small and med boobs are hot. if there to big they get in the way.

Answer #3

I have small boobs too. but I don’t worry about it cause I know I’ll get bigger boobs someday. but you can get a bikini with paddin which is what I do, but not to much, you don’t want it to look fake. but honestly, I wouldn’t worry and stress over it.

Answer #4

Why? small breats are a turn on to me. but some guys like them like. scary big. I am not a fan of that due to the whole. I dont know why. but I dont. just find a fellow small breast lover and youll be happy. dont worry about that. but to make them APEAR larger. try stuffing. but stuffing works..untill your sexually active.

Answer #5

Ouuu!! you should go to wal-mart &&buy a waterbra! I have one and I use it everyday.they sell it like paddings! since im a 32A cup, I put them through the little slits on the sides of my bikini top and VAVOOOM big booobs.lol.. there only like $$$5

Answer #6

I think you fail to realize how much guys like boobs. we like them…a lot. actually, we love them a lot. they’re delicious. and while we like big boobs, we also like small boobs. if you’re sitting right next to a chick that has considerably bigger and nicer boobs than you, I guess guys will pass you by, but if that’s the case, just move. girls can make fun of other girls’ boobs, but guys don’t really do that. we’re just happy you have ‘em. remember who you’re flaunting your boobs for, vs. who’s making fun of you. (if anyone.) not to mention, you’re not even 15 yet! your boobs will grow, and you’ll be happy again in no time. while you’re waiting, use push up bras, and bikini’s that make your boobs look bigger. you’ll be fine, trust me. good luck…live the dream.

Answer #7

ok wellit depends on how old you r if your like 16 or even 17 you can still sprout but on the plus side having small boobs can mean success in athletics you dont want huge boobs getting in the way oh and small boobs are especially helpful in gymnastics and cheerleading and track so mabie you should join a sport ull be glad you dont have huge boobs plus thats not ALL boys care about plus im sure there are smaller than yours and when you get older you can always get a boob job :)

Answer #8

You could try and find a bikini that is like a water bra. Do you know what I am talking about? I don’t know if they sale bathing suits like that but I do know you can get a water bra. Hey, and just be happy your mom does things for you. And the fact that your boobs aren’t so huge that you have back problems. My sister has giant boobs and has suffered from back problems ever since I can remember. You just need to learn to love yourself, it doesn’t matter how big your boobs are.

Answer #9

Instead of getting upset by your boobs, flaunt them! I don’t mean show the world your small breasts, I mean find a good suit that compliments them.

I have rather small ones too, and I know where you’re coming from. So my advice to you is go to Old Navy. Why Old Navy? I’ve been to their bikini sections many times and have found that their suits are super cute, and make me look like I have bigger boobs. It’s because of the padding. It definitley adds 1 or 2 inches to the height (lol), and it’s very subtle; you can’t really tell part of them are not yours!

So in your free time, ask your mom to take you to a local Old Navy and browse their selections. Just before you drop bucks on one, make sure it’s NOT OBVIOUS that their is a lot of padding.

=) Hope I helped

Answer #10

the girl above is right there are bikkins that are padded.. get some of those. but honestly I use to have oober small boobs! like I used to get teased because my friends grew up first… but one year it just kinda happened for me… as it will for you.. im a B32… but since im short they look kinda bigger then what they are… but being to big isnt as great as it seems

Answer #11

mine are small too.theres nothing I can do but I just try to get the attention on my legs more, and I dont like it when my mom buys me clothes either, so I tell her to bring me with.

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