I hate my mom

has your mom ever picked her boyfriend over you? well my stupid mom did… and her boyfriend is a crack head..she gave my brothers dad custody of him and she was yellin at me.. my brother called me cryin.. so how can I get my mom to do a piss test to prove that she is doin crack also?

Answer #1

If you have a dad, it would be best if you went to live with him. I would say call CPS or the Police, but you’d end up in a foster home if you have no where else to go. It’s a tough situation. The Police wouldn’t do anything unless there was evidence out. If your brother’s dad is a nice person, you might see if you could stay there. You really should go talk to your counselor at school, a preacher, a kind teacher. Someone. You need to be talking about the feelings you are having and the situation. It is going to Damage you unless you find some help to get through these years. An Alanon meeting might help.

Answer #2

im fifteen my mom did that to me…I gave up on her. I moved out when I was 13.

Answer #3

GIRL I know HOW you FEEL, I just got on here because me and my mom and a aruement so I want to calm down b`because when it was just me and her like yesterday she promised me sumthing about tomorrow and when I asked her about it like 10 minutes ago her boyfriend was in the room and started yelling saying I NEVER PROMISED YOU ANYTHING!!

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