I got my cartlidge pierced and now its swollen. What do I do?

I got my cartilidge pierced five days ago and it was doing fine. Then yesterday not thinking I went to the river with my friends and ended up going swimming. I think I may have just irritated it by bumping it and the water but now its red and swollen. Im freaked out and I dont know what to do. I dont want to take it out because this is my second time getting it done, last time I was in the middle of a sports season and I just let it heal. Im scared that it may be an infection. WHAT DO I DO???

Answer #1

at 5 days its no were near healed it takes around 6 weeks-3 months for almost every piercing to heal including your ears which you shouldnt play with or turn while healing I assume you go it pierced by some inecxpirienced idiot at the salon or mall who used the gun so no wonder its swollen howevere its probably because of the riverm there may have been germs and bacteria in it that have aggrivated/infected your new wound if the piercer wa a profesional and used the needle go back to them for advice if they used the gun dont bother because they dont know anything about piercings or aftercare , what can go wrong ect so either get them ooked at by a profesional piercr or see a docot and ask him/her if its going to be ok

Answer #2

Do you have any idea how much bacteria is floating around in a river?

I didn’t think so.

That was a really bad idea. I’d get professional advice at that point. Hopefully, you actually had it pierced by a professional.

Answer #3

I think you need antibiotics and the professional you should talk to is a nurse or doctor

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