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I don't know what to do about this.
I’ve known this girl for a lil over two years and in those years we have become bestfriends but I have found that I like this girl more than that and I just can’t get myself over her. Everything about her just makes me like her. Just talking to her makes me smile, even on my worst days. She always asks me for advice about what do about guys and even though it hurts I still help her out. And lately I’ve come to think that it may be love that I feel for her. is there any advice that would help get her to see me as more than her bestfriend?
You just need to talk to her. I know it might be really hard to get the courage to tell her how you really feel, but that way youll get it out and feel better. I think your a great best friend for still helping her out even though it hurts. just be prepared because it would be great if she felt the same way about you, but you never know. just tell her how you feel, but make sure you say that even if she doesnt feel the same way you still want to be friends and that youll always be there for her no matter what. then maybe once you get it out and she tells you she doesnt feel the same way youll be able to move on easier. unless she likes you back then thats really good. you just have to talk to her.
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