Microperforate hymen?

This might sound a bit weird but im really worried and need to know.. im 16 years old and have had my period for 6 years now. I’ve looked at diagrams of womens hymen and have come to the conclusion that I have a microperforate hymen, is this normal? I have read that surgery applies for this situation, but is there any other way to expand that tiny hole? If I decide to have sex will it tear dramatically resulting in lots of pain?

please help!!

Answer #1

It’s difficult to say.

Some girls may notice an improvement as they get older, but the easiest solution is to get the surgery done. It’s a minor surgery and there isn’t a lot of pain involved, but you’ll see it’s worth it to have it done in the end.

Answer #2

I agree with ichibanarky, it’s hard to say. But I would bring up the concern to my doctor if I were you. It’s better to get the surgery than tearing down there when you do eventually decide to have sex. My youngest sister had the same problem and we found out when she was about 6 (it was due to being born premature). She constantly pulled at her self through her clothes, so my mom got her checked out and found out that’s what it was. They did the surgery, and she was just fine. She was put on bed rest for 2 weeks, then was completely healed. It was no worse than the stitches some women get after child birth.

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