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Could it be possible that I’ve already torn my hymen when I was riding my bike and I bled or when I was knocked into a table and it went in me?
yes. nowadays, girls break their hymen early in life, by playing sports, riding bikes, horseback riding, or just running into something and falling. it wouldnt hurt too bad but you would feel it. like a bit of a burning or tearing, but nothing too bad.
yes its possible but you shouldn’t be worried about it.
can you break your hymen playing sports? - 2 Answers
I'm really athletic and I've heard that you can break your hymen playing sports is it true??
will my girl get wetter now that her hymen is broke? - 1 Answers
well we did it for the first time and she was joking that she would get wetter now b/c her hymen was broke.. just out of curi...
Who,what,when,where, how will I know if my hymen has broken? - 2 Answers
When a boy does brake the hymen how he/she know that they have? , after he has broke the hymen will it feel different the nex...
Does this mean that your hymen is broken? - 2 Answers
If your finger is able to go way up in your vagina does that mean that your hymen is broken?? Would the hymen stop a finger f...
Hymen broken - 2 Answers
Does getting your hymen broken by a finger mean you aren't a virgin anymore?
Can being horny break my hymen? - 1 Answers
I'm 14 & I'm a little new to this so I have a question I would like to ask.... When I get horny I feel like my vagina is thro...
Did my boyfriend break my hymen? - 4 Answers
my bf fingered me nex day i bleed...did he break my hymen
how do you know if you have broken your hymen by fingering? - 2 Answers
how do you know if you have broken your hymen by fingering?? is there any signs ?? help!
Has my hymen broken? - 1 Answers
I want to know whether iserting the fingers inside the vagina can break the hymen. u've siad that it accompanies pain. I've d...
Was my hymen broken? - 1 Answers
me n my boifriend has s*x n i wuz a virgin. first he put his penis n a little bit, then half way, then all da way n. yes da s...
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